Monthly Newsletter (January 2021)

Acoustics and Vibration Consulting Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (AVCM) Monthly Newsletter (January 2021)

Bedrock Instruments 

The Bedrock brand stands for high-quality and high-end measuring equipment for acoustics and professional audio. Bedrock’s products combine the ease of use of a smartphone with the highest professional and scientific standards of performance and accuracy. The devices are designed by Bedrock’s very own team of scientists and engineers, built in the in-house production facility in the Netherlands. The Bedrock products available include:

SM30 Class 2 Measuring Instrument – Despite being the most basic model in Bedrock, SM30 is packed with features and measurement modules, that is explanded with the release of new firmware updates at no charge.

SM50 STIPA Meter – STIPA has become the industry standard for Speech Transmission Index measurements. SM50 is the one that many has been waiting for: A STIPA meter with high accuracy, reliability, and at the same time, very affordable.

SM90 Class 1 Measuring Instrument – A versatile class 1 acoustic measuring instrument, suitable for a various applications. Its high-quality ½” prepolarized microphone capsule makes it the best choice whenever acoustical measurements of high accuracy and reliability are required.

BTB65 Talkbox
Every STIPA measurements require a source for the STIPA test signal. The BTB65 Talkbox is very accurate and reliable, plus compact and light enough for every measuring job, whether it is done with our SM50 STIPA meter, or any other devices.

DSP500 Series
A digital signal processor designed for various pro-audio applications. It is also customizable to meet the needs of even the most demanding projects.



For the past few months, AVCM has been actively updating our blog contents, covering acoustical-related topics of various levels, suitable for readers of all ages. Everyone is welcome to learn and provide feedback about our contents, no matter which field you are from!

Recent blog posts:

Social Activeness

Event: SVAM Pre-AGM Webinar & AGM

Organizer: Society of Vibration and Acoustics Malaysia (SVAM)

Date and Time: 28 Nov 2020 (Saturday), 10:00 am – 11:30 am

On 28th November 2020, the Society of Vibration and Acoustics Malaysia (SVAM) held their Annual General Meeting (AGM) via Google Meets, and AVCM was proud to join as one of SVAM’s corporate member. Before the AGM, there was also a Pre-AGM Webinar. AVCM was given the chance to introduce our company to the fellow attendees. It was a very great opportunity to share our company’s background and visions with peers from the sound and vibration field.


AVCM Sdn. Bhd. is now a corporate member in the Society of Acoustics Singapore (SAS) and the Society of Vibration and Acoustics Malaysia (SVAM).

The International Year of Sound 2020

*In view of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the IYS 2020 Steering Committee has decided to extend the celebration of the IYS 2020 into the year 2021*

The IYS 2020 is a global initiative to highlight the importance of sound and related sciences and technologies for all in society.

A list of events and programs have been scheduled to stimulate the understanding throughout the world of the important role that sound plays in all aspects of our society, and to encourage an understanding of the need for the control of noise in nature, in the built environment, and in the workplace.

For more info, visit:

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