Nor850 Measurement System

The Nor850 is a distributed multichannel measurements system. Reporting in accordance with various standards.

NEW Version 1.5 Software Release

Norsonic just released the latest version for the Nor850 system. The new version 1.5 software offers a long list of new features and improvements, including:

  • Possible to synchronize the cursor positions for various displays
  • Up to 10 user-defined markers may be entered during the measurement using the key combination Alt + #. The user-definition dialogue is displayed upon selection in the Marker menu.
  • Measurements based on Nor850 General Mode may be read into NorReview software version 5.1 for further investigations
  • Adding other projects and copying data from various positions between the projects
  • Re-use measurement data for other measurement Standards
  • New Tmax reverberation time feature uses the maximum dynamic range at each frequency band.
  • Single-frequency measurements with bandpass noise excitation to improve the signal to noise for both level and reverberation time measurements
  • TTL control feature for use of moving loudspeakers
  • Start/stop control for Nor277 Tapping Machine