SONarchitect ISO calculates: ISO12354
- Airborne noise insulation values according to EN 12354-1.
- Impact noise levels according to EN 12354-2.
- Façade acoustic insulation values according to EN 12354-3.
- Noise emission levels from noisy enclosures according to EN 12354-4.
- Reverberation times in rooms according to EN 12354-6.
Also performs the Metzen approximation.
For analythic calculation of sound reduction index (and impact noise level) SONarchitect ISO includes SONmultilayer, with the matrix transfer function method, and SONequation with the methods referenced in:
- M.J. Crocker and A.J. Price, “Sound Transmission Using Statistical Energy Analysis”, Journal of Sound & Vibration, 1969 9(3) 469-486.
- EN 12354-1:2000, Building acoustics. Estimation of acoustic performance in buildings from the performance of elements. Airborne sound insulation between rooms, Appendix B.
- S. Ljunggren, “Airborne sound insulation of thick walls”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 89(5) 1991.
- A. Brekke, “Calculation method for the transmission loss of single, double and triple partitions”, Applied Acoustics 14 (1981) 225-240.
- A. London, “Transmission of reverberant Sound through Double Walls”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 22(2) 1950.
The ultimate software for calculation of sound insulation regarding EN 12354 parts 1,2,3,4 and 6 in entire buildings.
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SONarchitect ISO database has more than 300 generic constructive solutions, 900 commercial materials, and continues to expand.
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